
Yale 29 Bucknell 9

60 replies on “Yale 29 Bucknell 9”

Yale needs to restructure their offense to go to a two QB attack similar to what Dartmouth has used in last years. Grooms is a greater runner, but is not effective running the passing attack. Tutas has shown a great arm. He needs to be be utilized in passing situations. Yale won’t win another game this season if they continue to turn to ball over at this rate.

No bad idea, we’ve seen that before. Reno, doesn’t recognize or has the gut feeling, when to switch up the talent. He takes the guy out , who has the hot hand and is moving the team. Screws up the momentum.
Grooms, needs to make better decisions with the ball. STOP THROWING INTO DOUBLE or QUADRUPLE CoVERAGES. Protect the ball, Protect your receivers. Pantelis and Tipton are gonna get killed. The way he leads them into traffic. Yale can not afford to lose them.

Gentlemen; Another picture perfect day for pigskin football. Unfortunately, our squad was so sloppy you might think this game was played in a monsoon. Major concern is the status of numbers two, nine and 66 for the upcoming Quaker contest.

We all learned certain rules, but sometimes they don’t apply or should be gently ignored lest we be seen as pedants. Reid and Oso’s jerseys read 2 and 9, respectively. Not two and nine.

I know a win is a win. But that was FUGLY.!! Can’t have a game like that again this season. Or Yale will be handed its ass to its self.
I need a drink

It will be interesting to see what adjustments the Yale coaching staff makes this week. If they don’t make any its malpractice.

They had over 10,000 attendance at Sacred Heart today while Yale drew less than 4,000. Vicki Chun and her administration should be held to account for this drastic decline in attendance since she took over.

And why aren’t fans allowed on the field after the games any more? The arrogance is unbelievable.

Indeed! Where is the Yale Football Association on this? They had a great celebration last week….. (But only about 6K attendance).

My son had a diaper bag for my grandson. INo way no exceptions , clear bag policy. Diapers wipes coloring book, juice box , snacks for the kid. . The head guy come over looked in the bag. Said go ahead and enjoy the game.
I thanked the guy, and said that’s how it should always be

They make an improvement if Groomes would just learn to throw the ball away when no one is open instead of to the other team.

I was talking to my cousin, who is a Penn alumnus today . Who was at the Columbia game today. The Penn players were chanting at the end of the game.
WE WANT YALE.!! WE WANT YALE.!! etc. Penn will be out for blood.
Yale better be ready.

Gentlemen; Mr. Grooms is very talented although this past weekend his pitches were behind the split ends and otherwise overthrown. I for one would like to see shorter crossing patterns for our split ends and safety valve to the halfbacks. I have confidence the coaches are well aware of which pitches Mr. Grooms can make and are adjusting accordingly.

Watched the Penn , Columbia game. Penn is smooth. Yale better fix and stop the stupid penalty’s. Stop trying to force the ball to nowhere , if the Bulldogs are to have a chance. To win.
Go Bulldogs

Is it time for Yale to build a new stadium? Maybe something modern that seats about 20k? The Bowl is not going anywhere so it could still be used for Harvard every other year, but what is the difference, really, between using it once every two years or using it 10 times, 9 of those with 5-10 thousand in attendance. It still sits empty 10 months a year. The Bowl could still be used if Yale played Army, Navy, or any team that would possibly be a big draw.

With the crowds they’re getting now they could play in the soccer stadium. What happened to the students? They used to come to the games in decent #’s. Not anymore.

I remember, when Connecticut state football playoffs were held there . They’d have 20,000 people there.
Whatever the great minds are doing it’s NOT WORKING.!! To be utilized 5X a year is shear stupidity. There is no advertising, to get the people to come. WELI was unceremoniously showed the door . Not a good idea. It was a pleasure listening to Ron Vicaro and Jack Sidlecki doing yesterdays broadcast.
V.C . Is good but she is Tom Beckett, she doesn’t belong at her position. I don’t see a good future for Yale Football if this continues.
Where Yale was other schools strive to be . Yale just casted it away like it was dirt. I would like to see Yale bring in better competition. Morgan State, Sacred Heart yah that’s ok. But bringing in FBS teams would be the ticket. Or at least Cal Poly, UC Davis , Rice, Duke, Yale has the venue use it.!!! The way it was intended.
Yale wins , The Hotel and restaurants shopping would be revitalized. Yale treats this idea like a Disease.!! They should embrace it. I have scratched my head about this for years.
You have a Gold mine, New Haven should have been Hall of Fame of College Football. It was INVENTED HERE .!! NOT IN SOUTH BEND.!! STUPID.!! Take your collective heads out of your asses. Do the right thing for once in your lives .

When Yale hosted Army in 2014 they drew over 34,000. Becket could pull that off. Can Chun? Is she even trying?

There was an opportunity with the 150th anniversary of Yale football to schedule an historic rival at the Yale Bowl like Becket did for the Bowl’s 100th anniversary. He gave us Army and the crowds came. This administration gives us Morgan St. They have the wrong priorities.

That should have been more people there. Tom and I talked about that. Yale should have plugged it to the VFW’s, Post’s The Veterans Administration.
That game is in my Top 3 all time, Again Yale needs to appeal to the Surrounding communities.. rescind these ridiculous regulations, free parking. I don’t like to rush my tailgate. So I don’t do it anymore.

Instead we get Bucknell and Howard .?!!!! As Douchberry says it’s all GD Vicky Loser Chuns fault

JH is correct.

There is a potential gold mine here for the City of New Haven and they don’t see it.
Beyond that, they need to find a way to drum up some interest among the students. They go to the hockey, lacrosse, and the basketball games. I think the early starting times has alot to do with it. The crack down on box truck partying in the lots also diminished their interest. Why not wall them off in a party zone on the tennis courts each week where they can’t run over each other and let them party? Re-entry is part of that solution.

Think used to have that under Becket but I don’t know if they have that student tailgating zone anymore.

Yale Football Association needs better leadership. More Than what Ruwe , is providing. Chun needs to be modified or better yet sequestered in what and how she goes forward. Salovey needs to figure out , what Yale is or wants to be. Peter, try to emulate Charles Seymour, Alfred Griswold or better yet Kingman Brewster . True Yale Sports fans and keepers of Yale Football.
It’s a shame that Yale has plummeted to the depths that it has. Reno , has brought in players, that Yale has not had in years. They are terrific young men. SHOW CASE IT. Be proud of it. Stop trying to hide it.!!! For crying out loud.!! If You want help I’ll be more than happy to help .
Lastly if you are a Yale Football Fan, TAKE A STAND AND SPEAK UP.!! Open your collective mouths.
I am not happy that Yale is playing teams like Bucknell, Howard , Sacred Heart, Central Connecticut, that’s a weak OCC Patriot League Schedule that does NOT belong on Yales schedule.!! Which Vicky Chun closed on. 150 years of football flushed down the bowl . By an outsider. Yes Vicky Chun, has not a clue on The Yale Football Culture.
Sincerely J.H All involved should be ashamed of yourselves in accepting how this has developed and spread like a cancer. Vicky Chun , Community outreach should be fired

I have been a “YALE FAITHFUL” since 1964. It’s so sad to see 55,000 empty seats at games. However,,Ivy Attendance is horrid everywhere. Where are the alumni that filled dozens of tents? Where are the bus loads of students? Every change is a negative. The players deserve better. I wish there was an easy fix. My grandparents brought my parents. They brought me and my brother. We brought our kids. They couldn’t care less. Weekend activities with their kids include dance,Tai
Kwon Do,fall baseball,hockey and anything non Yale football related. And lastly,the local media has its head so far up UConn’s ass it’ makes me wanna vomit.

Re: the Bucknell game. How many Ivy teams can beat even a weak opponent by 20 points after giving up 5 turnovers? As for attendance, Yale no longer has any fan base. Even the left wing progressive students would love to see football given up. I am not sure where Peter Salovey stands, or even if he cares.

So it’s Yales 150th season of football. What special celebration will Victoria Chun , have planned for such a wonderful event. ?
Please respond Ms. Chun.? Pfffffffffffff excuse me Ms. Chun.? Well there you have it everyone NOTHING.!!

Gentlemen; For the record Mr. Salovey is very supportive of our blue squad and attends at least every home game in the same vein as Mr. Griswold and Mr. Brewster. In a brief encounter after the Indian contest Mr. Salovey was very enthusiastic and exhausted after the last minute heroics resulting in a victory. The problem does not lie at his feet but with the athletic department who needs to get a dose of reality about public relations and promotion. Simply going back to allowing children under 12 for free to attend all games maybe save the cantab contest and free parking would be a start. A starting time of 1 PM would be preferable our blue squad band at the Indian contest doubled at halftime. To put things in perspective acknowledging times change in 1960 our blue undefeated squad had eight home games in a row total attendance 243,712 an average of 30,464 excluding the game at the horseshoe on the Charles River. Sometimes a view of the past casts inspiration for what should be done in the future.

I’m guessing that 1967 was the best average attendance Yale had in my memory. The combination of Dowling, maybe the best draw Yale has had, and Harvard at home makes me think that.

Although 1981 drew 75k for Harvard and played Navy at home, a good draw.

Gentlemen; Mr. bulldog10JW hit the nail on the head. After a little digging disclosed the following: attendance 1967 six games including Cantab contest 247,688 average 41,281; 1968 six games excluding the Cantab contest 212,529 average 35,421; and 1981 six games including the Cantab contest 223,300 average 37,216; Navy contest 38,000, Cantab game 75,300. This brought back fond memories and recollections. Glad to report being present at each game.

Vicky Chun’s first game as Athletic Director drew 7889. After fans got a dose of her ticket policies the next home game precipitously dropped to less than 3000. Since then no home game other than Harvard has come close to drawing 7889. Gee I wonder what the issue could be?

By the time the Chun Dynasty came on scene,there wasn’t much loyal fanbase left to lose. The next generation is no longer replacing the old. I’m 3rd generation die hard.My kids grew up running around the Bowl,now they have no interest. My grandson,8,has been to 1 game with me and although he wants to return,mommy keeps his weekends very busy. Her great memories of marching on the field with the band obviously have no bearing on her kids coming to games. I’m hoping to get him to the Brown game,fall little league will be over so I’m wondering what she’s gonna come up with

Mr Cohen’s comments are very discerning. Indeed there is no longer any replenishment in the loyal Yale fan base that once helped make the average attendance at the Yale Bowl the standout in the League. The many underlying reasons for this have been endlessly discussed before but no doubt the anecdotal example of youngsters having too many other forms of entertainment and activities on Saturdays may mean even free tickets will not increase the numbers by much.
I dare say that free tickets may have more impact on those “above” a certain age rather than “below” a certain age. So for the suggestion box again Yale should try to see whether seniors at local retirement communities might enjoy attending the games. Provide them with free tickets and transportation and Yale students who can volunteer to assist them if needed. Advertise the free tickets for kids and seniors through the local media. If free parking and free tickets are not enough of an inducement to attract more fans then plans should be made for building a much smaller venue.

Invite the kids from Surrounding Grammar and middle schools. Pop Warner , Boys and Girls clubs.
Need to start them young

It would be a travesty to replace the Yale Bowl. So much history and tradition can never be replaced. To lose it would be to lose the heart and sole of Yale football.

They could play games at the Dewitt-Cuyler practice field and comfortably accommodate current-day crowds.

Recruiting efforts could suffer if prospective student-athletes see that they’d be playing for crowds smaller than their high school games, especially when the allure of The Game is pushed heavily during the recruiting process. Selling kids on the big-time feel of The Game when 90% of their games will be played in front of thousands of empty seats can give the impression of Yale engaging in bait-and-switch recruiting. Efforts should be made to bolster the atmosphere at the rest of the home games.

Being outdrawn — by more than double — by Sacred Heart last week should be a wakeup call. But I doubt it will be, because I don’t think drawing crowds is a priority for this AD. (Frankly, I’m not clear on what her priorities are, beyond maintaining jobs for her and her cronies.) Perhaps Yale should be traveling to Sacred Heart next year, rather than the other way around.

Like others in this conversation, I remember and long for the old days of much higher attendance. But Yale is an FCS football school and was 9th in FCS-level attendance nationally in 2019 (and first in the Ivy League). Times have changed. Having said that, I think folks have brought up some excellent ideas for bringing more excitement and fun and attendance to Yale football games.

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