Game Week

Yale 43 Dartmouth 44

30 replies on “Yale 43 Dartmouth 44”

One of the poorest coached games I have ever seen. Yale owned Dartmouth in the 1st quarter . Gadget plays (REALLY).!! That was the game RIGHT there. That petty 3 points . Which made the difference. In Yales loss.
Some other things , I left my medication in the car. I thought I had it NO REENTRY.
The announcement, standup make some noise.!! Get a T shirt.!! 14 kids went running down the stairs from Portal 20. The thing NO CHEERLEADERS were in that section. They stayed where they always are. 56 years Yale You Are a bunch of SCUMBAGS.!! I’m not bringing anyone nor am I talking about Yale football again.
You all should be ashamed of this continued Behavior. Towards the community. !! Good riddance

Funny, everything was going great for Yale until Vicki Chun decided to honor the two DEI/CRT instructors. Then the whole bottom fell out for Yale. Maybe it’s just a coincidence. But maybe it shows these programs are divisive and bad for morale, as many companies who have recently canceled them have found out.

Yale probably wouldn’t have had the big lead at half time if Saunier had started the game for Dartmouth. Yale tacking is abysmal and the pass defense allowed an inexperienced qb to look like Mahomes.
Our hope for avoiding a losing season rests on the very talented senior qb Grant Jordan. Athough he missed his last pass that would have won the game his overall performance was excellent.
Some might be critical of Tony’s call to go for two points but I think based on how awful the defense looked it was the right decision. The bad calls were the two field goals which were beyond the maximum distance of our kicker. I think Yale could have converted on at least one of those fourth and short yardage situations and put up some points.

Agree that we should have gone for two. I just didn’t like the play call. It was a hit or miss play and I thought Jordan could have taken his time until someone got open or used Pitsenberger out of the back field or even scrambled himself. That said, Jordan was excellent today.

The FG kicker was not out of his range, both kicks traveled well over 50 yards (I was sitting in that end of the field) he just doesn’t have the accuracy. If the ball had been in the middle of the field instead of the left side hash marks I think he would have made either or both.

Conforti has missed his last 3 FG attempts in a row now. Doesn’t look like he’s even lining up the kick right. It looks like he’s aiming to kick it straight when he’s standing near the left hash, instead of on an angle.

So many things had to go wrong to blow that lead. Thought the play call was perfect on the two point conversion. Pantellis was wide open. Jordan just overthrew him. Looked like Jordan was throwing a fade corner route when all he had to do was put it on his numbers.

Very tough defeat. I approved of the 50/50 shot at the end to end it in 1OT, but letting the Dart. Indians come back from a 23 point deficit is very frustrating.

My prediction for the remainder of the season:
Lehigh – L (Cahill’s squad is rolling)
Penn – W (Penn’s squad is not as good as last year’s)
Columbia – L (Poppe & Co. have shaped up this Columbia team into a dangerous rushing attack. Seitu Smith (frmr Yale coach) oversees a two-headed monster in backs Giorgi and Terry Jr.
Brown – L (Brown seems to be good enough early on – let’s see if they can continue without self destructing mid season this year)
Princeton – W (a sputtering Princeton tigers team is a rare sight. Expect Yale to get a good blowout before Harvard)
Harvard – L (always a closer one than expected, but the Cantab’s early season performance makes me worried for that nippy November afternoon)

I think you are being a little too pessimistic. Unless they pack it in now that they are out of the running for a championship, I expect a winning season.

If Jordan keeps playing like he did today they will have a wining season. He was exceptional, despite the last play of the game.

Grant Jordan played his a**off today. The boys played their a** off today. Respect the product they put on the field today. Spoiled.

They certainly did, but the defense looked gassed in the fourth quarter. Don’t know if it’s lack of conditioning, or poor substitution choices by the coaching staff, but you have to be able to play 60 minutes of football.

Actually, the defense needed to play only 28 minutes of football. Yale had the time of possession advantage by 5 minutes.

I could have sworn there were more people at the game today. Definitely on the Yale side, yet the reported attendance was less than last week.

Is anyone else tired of pass interference calls made by the wide receivers. It seems to me, and not just in today’s game and not just against Yale, that if the receiver gets to his feet and makes a big production that he thinks he was interfered with, a ref, nowhere near the play, will throw a flag.

Game was a gut punch. Awful collapse. We fans have had it good. But today was brutal. Pitzenberger is the best player on the team. He deserves more love.
Jordan is definitely the right qb. Downside: we’ll be looking for another guy next year. D was gassed. Targeting call was a turning point. Not sure what I might do differently. I don’t hate the 2-point gamble. 10 was open. Also kickers are a big part of OT and Dartmouth’s was better so taking a shot is reasonable. Dogs’ last drive in regulation felt like the game. 3rd and 2 in fg range and come away empty.

Note: 7 on Dartmouth might play on Sundays – kid gets open

452 YDS

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The players offense and defense did a great job . Let’s make that clear . 1st series Yale Defense held Dartmouth to a 3 and out. Offense can on . Held onto the the ball for minutes.
You have a 25 yard placekick for 3 . The The Brain trust comes up with. Gadget play. Conforti, is having a hard enough time kicking the ball.! Dartmouth, stops them cold. ZERO nothin.
That one single call was the difference in this game.
It was’nt the lack of effort of the players. Jordan is no Grooms. He had ample amount of times to pull the ball back , from Pitsenberger and RUN. I believe that will come. Reno and Ostrowsky is who I Blame for this LOSS.!!

So upset about this I can’t even wright this.! The offense held onto the ball for 9 minutes. For a fake Kick . For zero points.!! Ridiculous those 3 points bit Yale in the behind.!

Strange as it seems, even with the defensive collapse the difference in the game was the kicking game. The Dartmouth kicker made his field goal and did a perfect onside kick. Our kicker missed two field goals and was denied a chance at a third with the fake – a strange fake that looked like a run into the line instead of a potential pass.

Is there anyone on the soccer team who could kick field goals?

A New Haven native and long time Yale fan until I spent years working at Dartmouth in athletics….it brought back to mind the 1968 29-29 Harvard tie that no one has mentioned…. I listened to that from rural Vermont on a bad radio signal….whatever you think about the Y-D game….it was a pretty exciting game ….

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