Amegadjie Selected By Bears

The Chicago Bears selected Kiran Amegadjie in the 3rd round of the NFL Draft at 75th overall. The Hinsdale native grew up as a Bears fan and was a coveted prospect for Chicago given his elite arm length and athleticism. Amegadjie is still recovering from the quad injury that he suffered early in the 2023 Ivy season but should be healthy by July in time for preseason camp. Clearly the Bears have faith in offensive linemen from Yale given the prior success of Dieter Eiselen in Chicago.

The New Orleans Saints signed Mason Tipton as an undrafted free agent. Titpon’s blazing speed (4.33 40-yard dash at his pro day) and exceptional catching abilities will hopefully impress the Saints enough to keep him on the active roster or practice squad in 2024.

The Denver Broncos selected Nick Gargiulo in the 7th round of the Draft and Gargiulo has already signed his 4-year rookie contract. Gargiulo’s versatility at multiple positions along the offensive line combined with his intellect and toughness gave Denver the confidence that he could develop into a starting guard or center in the NFL.

Ezekiel Larry has committed to play at San Diego State University. Larry cited financial hardship as a motivating factor in his decision to transfer but clearly did not calculate the potential future income ramifications for trading a Yale degree for an SDSU degree.

Clay Patterson was evidently unhappy during his brief stint at UNLV and committed to Stanford earlier today.

Spring Game Notes from Viewers:





“There are only 3 QBs Howe, Jordan and McGaughey”


“Wr’s who impressed me were 84 McKoy, 6’5” 215lbs Plexico Burris type of receiver. 83 June 6’3” 190lbs . 82 Tattersall 6’5”211lbs all possession type receivers. The new #1 Shipp with a 1 handed grab was a catch to marvel at.
Defensive line looks formidable but it should in a spring game. 98 Dylan Yang, 99 Austin Cooper, 43 Micah Shaber 37 Cabrea few others looked like they will cause havoc.
They’re were more than a few pass coverage slip ups by the defensive backfield . But again that will be rectified by the start of the season.
Offensive line , they had problems with the center to QB exchange. But when they put 61 Conner Smith in there. That seemed a bit smoother. Each QB did a decent job. But none really solidified themselves. But each has talent and potential to play for this team
Kicking Conforti , looks to be the man for the duty.
But in my minds eye , I see tremendous upside and growth in this team. Look forward to see how they grow and develop as they start 151 season.”

“Also 14 Duncan looked great as well. #37 Cave not Cabrea.”

JACK Hoss:

“#15 was 7/8-10, 3 TDs & drove the team down 3 of 4 drives.”

Son of Eli:

“That would be Brogan McCaughey. On paper he seems to be the best option to be the starting QB but he’ll need to win the job at practice. Looks like he’s off to a good start.”


“Saw highlights of the scrimmage from last Saturday. I was very pleased to see Donavan McKoy, on the field. I think Yale is going to surprise a few teams this year. “

27 replies on “Amegadjie Selected By Bears”

I hope Kiran continues the Yale tradition with Bears—Dieter, Gary Fencik ‘76, Mike Pyle ‘61. Dick Jauron ‘73, head coach 1999-2003. And of course Mike McCaskey ‘65 grandson of George Halas and President/Chairman of the Bears from 1983-2011 who sadly passed away in 2020. Mike also taught at Harvard Business School before taking the role with the Bears. He was my professor in 1979 for one of the required MBA courses

Sources close to team tell me Larry netted north of 50,000 in NIL. Was offered over a 100k by Virginia Tech.

Gentlemen; With all due respect not sure Mr.Larry is going to excel in the mountain west and giving up the opportunity to add a degree at our blue was the best decision. Best of luck to him.

I’m still wondering, about our 2024 Football roster. I would enjoy seeing and actual bona fide roster, incoming freshman list. With huddle video of the recruits.
Is this Feasible, or is this too outlandish to request.?

The Yale Penn game in Philadelphia will be played on Friday night and broadcast on ESPNU

Richmond is moving to the Patriot League in 2025. Hope this means Yale willl start scheduling them again soon. They still owe Yale a return home game from 2020. I made the trip to Richmond in 2019 and it was one of the best Yale comebacks I’ve ever seen. Only to be outdone by the win over Harvard later that same year. It’s a great venue to watch a football game. If William and Mary follows them to the Patriot League even better. Yale hasn’t played them since 1987 which was another thrilling come from behind last minute victory.

What I remember most about that W&M game in 1987 was it was the week after Hawaii. We had just gotten back the previous day and I was extremely jet lagged since I have always had trouble sleeping on a plane.

It ended up being a great game, part of that seasons great comeback wins, and Kelly Ryan was spectacular.

Well, while we’re on the topics of owed return games how about Yale scheduling road game at Air Force and Miami of Ohio which visited the Yale Bowl in 1980 and 1978 respectively.

Morgan St, CCSU, Bucknell, Lehigh and Sacred Heart are all amongst the bottom dwellers of Division I football. Yale can do better with its scheduling.

I’d like to see Cal Poly at the Bowl.? Yes Yale , deserves to have higher echelon teams coming to New Haven.

Mercer canceled their home game with Yale to accommodate an opportunity to play Alabama. It was their decision to scrap the Yale game, so we don’t “owe” them anything, and I’m sure they feel the same way. If there was strong sentiment to renew that series, it likely would have happened by now. Not saying that’s good, just saying that’s how it is.
Richmond is a different story; the game at the Bowl was canceled by the pandemic, not by one school opting out. So, I could see a reason to pursue rescheduling that.
Other oddities from the past: Towson came to the Bowl in 2003 with no return game scheduled. Same with Albany in 2010. (And, of course, Army in 2014 but that was a “waiver” game.)

If Non scholarship Marist, Dartmouth and Princeton were able to schedule Army Yale should have been able to schedule the return game by now; unless Army is holding a grudge against Yale for having the audacity to beat them.

Army joining the American Conference probably puts the lid on any future games with Ivy schools. Dartmouth and Princeton scheduled those games a while back, and note that the upcoming Dartmouth game got canceled when Army joined the AAC.

Wasn’t Mercer originally a 4 game series or am I thinking of someone else?

Yes, it was supposed to be home games for Yale in 2018 and 2022, home games for Mercer in 2021 and 2023. 2018 was played, obviously. 2021 was canceled when the Alabama opportunity arose for Mercer. IIRC, they had to move a conference game off the Alabama date, onto the date of the Yale game. Not sure why the ’22 and ’23 games were scrapped.

I believe just as Richmond, Cal Poly Mercer was under the assumption That Yale wasn’t going to be as tough as and opponent as an Ivy League Football team . As they turned out to be.
This is why , these games are so important. For Yale and The rest of the League . That they need to show its brand. Let these people know that Yale . Will play anybody any where anytime. Yale may lose , but the opponent will know they were in a game. In case of those teams Yale won. It wasn’t expected . In their face.!!
Time for this administration to do its job. Do the best that it can. Even Colgate has scheduled a FCS opponent Stanford , Army, Akron. Yale used to play a higher degree team. They would compete and do well . They would win in some incidents.
Add another game , start earlier make it happen. Stop dragging your feet on this.

I know it’s Ivy League Presidents, That do nothing Robin Harris , The Ivy League needs to take their proverbial head out of the sand . Be proactive to protect what little remains in this purgatory of a conference. Celebrate it , instead of treating it like a hideous accident. The present vision is antiquated . It needs to be updated . Better for the League. It would help the surrounding areas flourish. It wouldn’t hurt the universities at all. They would still have it’s standards.

It would help if the Department of Athletics showed as much interest in the football program as the people who post on this forum. They do nothing to try and keep the even low level of interest football now has.

Except for the few days of spring practice and occasional recruiting updates, which mostly come from posters on this forum, we may as well all go into hibernation from December to August.

I’ve been looking up the hudl videos of the incoming football commits. Reno , has some interesting and bonafide young men coming in. (Exciting).
To the posters, who reported on the scrimmage thank you. Good to Donovan McKoy didn’t leave. Also is Aaron Sessions gone as well.? That’s disappointing. Along with the other players who have already left.
So much more information on this team. That could be reported on . But sadly isn’t.
I have always looked at Yale as the foundation of modern football. How the Hell Notre Dame . Got the College Football Hall Of Fame. Without Walter Camp. Notre Dame , would still be banging rocks and dragging their knuckles on the ground.
That place of honor should have been in New Haven.!! But again Yale and the league, let it sift through its bony fingers.!!
10 games is not enough.!! For crying out loud. Add another game. Start the season earlier.!!
Thanks for letting vent. Have a good summer.

Gentlemen; It was a long wait to go from 9 to a 10 game schedule. This wait has been more than doubled by the failure to add an 11th game. It is totally inconceivable, unsupported and out of touch for any ancient eight decision-making administrator, not to allow participation in postseason football playoff or add an 11th game.

The absence of an 11th game will really be put into focus this season. Holy Cross will have played three games before Yale travels to Worcester for their opener. It was bad enough when HC had two games before playing Yale. Three is just mismanagement by Yale and the Ivy League and puts our athletes at a big disadvantage. If Yale football won’t move into the 21st century, at least move into the second half of the 20th.

NCAA just announced an agreement to settle a historic class-action law suit for $ 2.77 billion with the the 5 major college conferences. For the first time D 1 colleges will be allowed to pay athletes directly for playing their sport; each school up to $ 20 million in aggregate annually.
It will be interesting to see the eventual impact this will have on the Ivies.

If anything , history shows that everything evolves and adapts. Everything except for Yale , and the Ivy League. It amazes me on how the perception , that the Ivy League is a culture of forward progressive thinking. Yet in Football matters . It is down right mentally challenged. The Ivy League needs a new direction. They need to have new people to lead them out the cellar . Unto which that they have plummeted to . From the last 70 years, open the eyes Have a vision. Instead of shuttering them to ignorance. Celebrate , for what you have . For Which other schools wish , what you Yale has.
I guarantee they wouldn’t be sitting on it. They would be maximizing the full potential of the legacy of its majesty. Not sneering at it like a little brat.

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